Promotion packages

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Straight and white teeth - teeth whitening using Beyond lamp combined with professional teeth cleaning (scaling, sandblasting and polishing) after finished orthodontic treatment - procedure cost: 1500 zł
White as snow - teeth whitening using the Yotuel method - price: 1750 zł
Smile brightening - professional teeth cleaning combined with basic teeth whitening. Your teeth become visibly brighter and shinier after a short, 1 hour long procedure. The effect lasts around 4 months - procedure cost - 1000 zł
Magical „Blanc One” - professional teeth cleaning (scaling, sandblasting and polishing)  combined with special teeth whitening procedure resulting in an immediate, spectacular effect without having to abide by the strict "white diet" afterwards - procedure cost: 1500 zł
Teeth whitening packages listed above cannot be combined with our other special  offers and discounts.